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The first artist inspiration is Susan Hiller she creates installation, video, photography and writing. There was one part of her work which stood out to me the most, the way she displayed her work. Multiple small pieces which are all related in one project displayed in a large place, some of them are also displayed with audio. 






These must give an overwhelming feeling when first confronted with them almost intrusive, placed in a situation when they have no choice but to acknowledge the piece, and observe all of it many sections.

My favourite one is 'Monument' due to it being text, for me personally, I'm always drawn to text. There are forty-one photographs of memorial plaques. There is one photograph for each year of the artist’s life, each one commemorates those do died doing something heroic.


Pipilotti is a visual artist mainly working with installation and video. Her work is often described as surreal, intimate, abstract art, having a preoccupation with the female body. Her artwork is often categorized as feminist art. She seems like a fun artist experimenting with space and the sense of attempting to overwhelm the audience, and make them feel apart of her work instead of seperate.

in this video, Pipilotti is talking about her exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. I was invested more into the way she decided to show her work and how strategically she places some of the projections. on the way int another room there is a video projected on the floor, she jumps on the projection and pretends she submerged in the video, this gives another example of how she wanted the audience to be part of the piece.

Gnade Donau Gnade 2 


Gnade Donau Gnade


4th Floor to Mildness


these pieces were all part of the same exhibition the first two images (Gnade Donau Gnade) are the same piece but I wanted to show the variation one piece can have, the video and the reflective colour of the room can determine one's mood. The bottom image (4th Floor to Mildness) is all projected on the ceiling and the viewer must lye down to get the ultimate benefit to the piece. 

Maria is a visual artist and lecturer living in the west midlands. Her media is mainly working with fabric and stitching into it, but her media wasn't what brought her to my attention, it was how she made a connection between her chosen media and writing to communicate meaningful emotions. her work really helped me fully comprehend what I wanted to show through my work and through words linking with the media. 

This is my letter to you




I messaged you


When anyone writes it's their own personalised way of expressing through words and also through their own handwriting, each letter tells a story. Marie shows a different narrative in each piece, she also works with layering to give dominance to the piece to draw the viewer in. She shows the writing coming from out of the envelope so you know straight away its a letter, this expresses how urgent she wants her letter read. 

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