A narrative is a very confusing concept, as to whether an art piece has a narrative or not.
The free dictionary defines narrative as a story or account of events, experiences or similar. An account that presents connected events. The narrative is found in all forms of human creativity and art, including speech writing, songs, film, television, video games, photography, theatre and visual arts, such as paintings that describe a sequence of events. It implies that narrative and story are interchangeable.
I've been trying to determine if my work has a narrative and if so, what type of narrative is it. this is very difficult for me as I change media so much, which would then change the narrative.
The whole of my Masters is based on dementia and my grandma who suffered with it. so the whole project is a narrative sharing the story of her dealing with dementia, losing her memories and forgetting those in her family.
Originally I haven't come to terms whether I want the pieces I make relating to dementia to have a narrative that the viewers understand. I originally wanted people to know that I was creating a piece based on dementia, but now I don't know if that is necessary?
When looking upon my work, I realised since my work is so personal that it may not have a narrative for everyone who looks upon it. My audience will be those who have a family member or a friend who is suffering from dementia. Which means that only a small percentage of the people who look at my work would be able to understand the narrative. But that's okay because I've come to realise that it's only those people who will need to understand, to realise that memories of the one with dementia come from each friend or family affected by them.