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My Own Erasing 


In my formative assessment I got a lot of good feedback, but some areas to work on, all my woke at the moment is very literal and I got asked to try and not be so. That I do agree with as I’ve been very focused around the brain and the visual representation of it.
Inspired by my Pecha Kucha I wanted to try erasing my graphic drawings, so started with my brain graphic drawing and started to rub out the lines in the brain. It’s a start in the right direction but not enough.


I decide it was still too visible, so decided to erase more so added a white wash over the same piece. I started to love this, but started to think that it’s still clearly a brain.



My aim after this was to try and get rid of the brain shape so started to lightly erase around the edges so it was no longer a brain shape. I was getting to a good point and was thinking this was a nice process.


​I thought I had finished and wasn’t going to erase more... but wanted to try and push the erasing more, and actually loved it. I feel like when you look at it you can’t tell it’s a brain this time and makes you sit and stare at it until you figure it out.


I got the other two pieces to this level as well and they go really nicely as a series like the originals. Final conclusion this experiment to erase my own work has surprisingly worked well. I will definitely be erasing work in the future, it might be a nice process of the creating and destroying to make all individual pieces a series.

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