In my last module, I looked into the bookcase theory. This was a representation of what it was like to have dementia, there are two bookcases, one is made out of solid wood and this bookcase holds all the person's emotions, the other bookcase is made out of cardboard and this one holds all the person's memories. Previously I made a graphic drawing of the bookcases based on my grandma and used her timeline for each book. I have looked into this more and thought it might get a better reaction as a physical piece, a sculpture, but make it interactive with all the memories and emotions as books so they can be held and looked through. In the long run, I would like to create different art pieces in each book, which resembles a memory or emotion. I haven't decided whether the pieces should be in the book or if the piece should be the book itself, or maybe even a mixture of them both.
At first glance at the bookcases, without knowing about the bookcase theory it might not relate to much to the individual viewer. I am hoping that the memories and the emotions related books will help the viewer to understand what it's about, or maybe they could take away their own interpretation of what they believe the piece to be.
I have decided to make this piece specifically for my research module due to this being inspired by all I have found out while looking into dementia and could be a potential way to look for my dissertation

The idea for the cardboard bookcase