Making My Own Sketch Book

First step was to fold four pages in half to make one section. Continue to make as many as you need for your preferred book size. For mine I folded A4 in half to make a A5 sketch book, I also wanted sections in mine to be made out of acetate so created the designs on them before turning them into a book.
I then pieced holes in the paper to be able to sew them all together, I had 8 even holes in my pages, lined them all up so the wholes would be in the same place on each section. Then using strong thin string sewed them together, stitch shown in image.
​These were the acetate images I wanted in my book, originally they were words but I must have used the wrong ink and it didn’t set to the acetate instead the words all blended together and wouldn’t dry. I left them for days and they were still wet so I got recommended to use hairspray to set it like you use it to set charcoal. There must have been some chemical reaction, fortunately they did set but the black ink turned green instead. So I guess this turned into a happy accident.

I then decided to create the cover using cardboard and card paper to make a strong supporting cover. You must be sure to leave a space of paper between the cardboard to allow the cover to bend where it needs to and not break the paper.

Before attaching the pages to the cover, I reinforced the spine with some fabric tape. I then cut out a piece of card to attach the first piece of paper to the cover, and repeated the same step on the other side.
With the both pieces of card attached, that then makes yours finished book. Mine is a little rough around the edges but that’s what makes it so personal, I mean who’s ever heard of a neat sketch book.
​You can see the tape I used to help the spine and the card I used to attach the pages. If I was to make another I have learned some tips, I would make sure that when I’m sewing it the stitching should be as tight as I can make it while making more knots along it. I would use better quality paper, to make it stronger as well, and lastly I would be more careful when making the cover, I rushed this one abit and it became quite messy.
Overall I think making my first sketch book was quite a good attempt.