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I previously found a love letter from my grandad to my grandma, this was a very important letter for their relationship and something my grandma kept hold of for years. I used that letter to created overlapped photos combining the letter old and new photos of my grandma. I recently found a letter addressed to my grandma from her cousin mona who is from America, it was a reply to my grandma's change of address for when she moved in with me, my sister and parents. Mona noticed that it was addressed from my grandma, only my grandma, this was a response of realising my grandad had passed. I loved the love letter series I did so I wanted to create a new piece with the Mona letter ina similar style. 

G&G mona.jpg

I wanted to try something different from the love letter, so I cut out my grandparents and took out the background and changed it to white. this was a way to show that they are no longer with us but that there still in a happy place. For what I wanted this didn't work I wanted to make these letters a memory of what was, this shows what might be.

monas letter.png

These two pieces I reverted back to the same technique I used for the love letter, the first one I did the same with showing both my grandparents when they were young and when they were old. the second one I did slightly differently I took their picture on their wedding day and another picture before they were married, I wanted a relationship between the to pieces, young to young - young to old. 

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