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We had a creative writing workshop, creative writing is definitely not one of my strong points, I struggle a lot with figuring it out and writing something I feel others would enjoy reading. But maybe that not the point, creative writings is meant to be a release of emotions and imagination experienced on paper, not supposedly created for other but more created for yourself, an extension of yourself and what goes on inside each individual head. no one is like you so no one would be able to create the same type of writing as you so each piece is unique upon itself. In this workshop, we were first told to write or draw what we want when we think out outside. Obviously my first instinct is to draw so I sketched a tree, by a river, with mountains in the background as those were the first things that came to my mind. on the same page I thought I would attempt to write just a few sentences relating to the drawing.


I first started to write about nature and what I expected from it. I then realised that when I was told to write about the outdoors I first drew the tree, so based off that I wrote;


"The tree loses leaves like we lose memories,

never getting them back, but always creating more"


I didn't realise it at the time but I wrote about dementia, which is what I'm doing in my art practice at the moment and makes a lot of sense with us as humans being apart of nature and following similar patterns through life. 

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