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We had to create poster presentations for the research module, I thought it was a poster about a subject relating to my practice and made a poster directed at people who knew nothing about the subject area. So I created an information poster about dementia, what it was, different types of dementia and all the basics you need to know about what it's like to have dementia. after creating this poster I realised that the poster is meant to be a research question looking deeper into my research and picking a more intellectual question. 

Dementia Poster Presentation.png

I went on to try and discover what questions I wanted to look into. the bookcase theory was a good place to start as that is what I wanted to look deeper into. I mainly wanted to see if dementia can affect creativity, I started to look at questions like; Can you visualise Dementia? Can you find dementia through art? and finally came up with Can Dementia be explored to show the relationship between memory and emotion to create art.  

Poster Presentation.jpg

After making this version fo the poster I realised the blue background with the dark faded border made the poster look depressing and there was too much text so the audience would not want to read too much and it did not enough visuals on it. I then changed the background to purple to make it more appealing and eye-catching. I then edited the text from previously having about 1200 words to about 700 words to make it more likely for people to read.

Poster Presentation Final.jpg
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